Category: Inside & Out

A look at what’s going on at the Home at the Quarter-Acre Wood

Happy Spring! Do You Know Where Your Potatoes Are?

Happy Spring! Do You Know Where Your Potatoes Are?

It’s finally Spring! Okay, so it doesn’t much feel like it from where I’m standing, but the calendar says Spring started today so it must be true.

There isn’t a lot of spring-like activity going on outside our home right now so I don’t have much to show for it, but my son and I did manage to take advantage of a single warm day last week to plant some potatoes. Yay, potatoes! Now the old tale says that one should plant potatoes before St. Patrick’s Day (and we came in just under the wire), but I’m sure there’s still time to sow some tasty tubers of your own.


If you’ve never planted potatoes, I urge you to give it a go. There is just something special about a lunch of new potatoes and fried okra harvested from your own garden on a hot summer day.  It makes me feel like I have really accomplished something special, but secretly I know these are two of the easiest veggies to grow here in the Midwest. It’s still a good feeling and an even better meal!

You can plant seed potatoes directly in the ground or even in a very large pot. We seem to have better success in the pot, because it’s easier to keep the varmints from eating off the tops and the tubers are easier to find at harvest time.

Use “seed” potatoes to grow your own bounty by cutting them in half, making sure there are at least two eyes in each half, and planting them directly in the soil about 3-5 inches deep. Some folks suggest you let the cut pieces dry out over night before planting, but I’ve never done this and seem to have success. You can also buy seed potatoes of different varieties at your local store and follow the directions on the packaging.

As the potatoes grow, they will sprout a stem that grows above ground. Keep animals from eating this stem so that it can gather energy from the sun to help your tators grow. This foliage will eventually wither and die when your potatoes are ready to be harvested, but you can also dig up early tubers if you like to munch on the smaller variety. You can actually harvest potatoes at multiples time during the summer, but try not to disturb the soil too much if you plan to let a few continue to grow. Harvest times do vary depending on the type of potato you grow, but you can do a little research or read packaging to find out how soon you can expect your first feast.

Happy Spring and Happy Potato Planting!

photo credit: Mike Licht, Small Potatoes via photopin (license)

The Season for a Sunflower Centerpiece

The Season for a Sunflower Centerpiece

sunflower centerpiece


We attended our niece’s lovely wedding Saturday night and I guess it inspired my husband to bring home sunflowers Sunday when he ran to the store for milk and bread (yes, we were out of milk AND bread but it was a super busy week). I quickly arranged the flowers in a black metal pitcher from IKEA and set them in the middle of our dining room table for a beautiful, bright way to start the day. Yay hubby!

sunflower centerpiece

I was a bit concerned that the pitcher may sweat and ruin my table runner and table, so I started hunting around the house for a solution to my worry. With the wedding fresh on my mind,  I remembered I had one last large wood slice from Oriental Trading that would make a perfect addition to my centerpiece and serve as a super large coaster, if you will, which was very similar to the wedding tables from Saturday night.

This sunflower centerpiece makes me happy folks, and it was so super simple to create. I didn’t finish the wood in any way, but I might add a coat of wax or sealer to keep it looking good for years to come.

sunflower centerpiece

The above photo is from my niece’s wedding. I just love it when you get to “borrow” a bit of inspiration! I hope you do the same.

Oriental Trading gifted some of these products used in this project for review,
but all opinions are my own.

Red Tomatoes and Naked Ladies

Red Tomatoes and Naked Ladies

My six-year-old son and I just returned from what should be our third and final vacation for the summer and boy are we glad to be home. This trip took us down to Arkansas and Blue Jay Hollow for several days of leisurely family time and then back up to Branson for some fast-paced themepark action. It was a good trip! But that being said, I am ready to unwind and spend the last few days of summer close to home at a slower pace (yeah, good luck with that one, you say. . .).

red tomatoes

Other than my husband greeting us before we got through the door Wednesday, I also had a few other good things awaiting my arrival. Not counting the jury summons in the huge stack of mail on the kitchen table, I found some wonderful surprises more of the mother nature variety. The naked ladies were still blooming out back (which I missed last year) and a couple of beautiful red tomatoes were perfectly ripened on the vine. Needless to say, yesterday evening was BLT night and it was yummy!

red tomatoes

So here’s to red tomatoes and naked ladies. . . may the crop be bountiful and your stems stay straight!


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