Yesterday was heavy. At least that’s how it started. I snapped this foggy day photo off the back deck before I took my little guy to preschool and couldn’t believe the fog was still so thick after eight o’clock. It was a good thing I took the photo when I did, because by mid-morning the sun was out and we hit the upper 70s for this wonderful late-winter, open the windows, play outside kind of day.
Category: Room With a View
Nature photographs from our home and surrounding areas.

Wildlife Flock to Homemade Seed Cakes
Winter finally arrived a couple of weeks ago and with it came freezing temps and a light layer of snow. Unfortunately for our local wildlife, we’ve been so busy traveling, celebrating and reclaiming our home after the holidays that we haven’t been supplementing their food as quickly as we normally do.
So yesterday morning I pulled out one of my homemade seed cakes I made and stored last year and hung it outside the house. After a couple of hours about town, we came home to oodles of squirrels and a variety of birds already partaking of this tasty treat. My little guy and I sat for quite some time just watching them scramble for the food (and I felt terrible that I hadn’t hung it out sooner).
If you are interested in making your own homemade seed cakes, you can read and print the recipe at Seed Cake Recipe for the Birds. They are super simple and fun to make, and they apparently store for quite some time in a plastic baggy. Just make sure they are nice and dry before sealing.

Catching the Flowers Between Thunderstorms
I took advantage of a break in the weather to snap a few photos of the iris blooming in the front yard. They are such a nice pop of color as they tower above the surrounding catmint. . . and then I was chased back inside by the rain. Thankfully, I do not have a photo of my Saturday morning green bean replant in my nightgown, a jacket and mud boots. . . A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.