Category: Mama Moments

Those funny and heart-touching moments of being a mama.

Poop in the Parking Lot

Yes, we’re still potty training. Still. Our little guy seems to get the ”pee pee” part of this whole process, but when it comes to the other he just refuses to go for it. I keep reading that this is normal for so many children, especially boys, but when you’re dropping poop in the parking lot I think it’s finally time to remedy the situation.

My husband and I were in Home Depot the other day looking for the necessities of our latest DIY project when our son decided to fill his britches. I mean, fill. We shortened our shopping trip and ventured outside to change the dirty pull-up on the back hatch of my Jeep.  As I hunted for the wipes, my husband undressed the little guy and tripped the ”Baby 911” alarm. When I hear the words it means, “Honey come quickly, because this diaper is too yucky for me to handle alone,” or better translated, ”You do it.”

Did I mention, he FILLED his britches. But this was okay, because I’ve done it before and it’s all good. So after many wet wipes and heading toward relief, I just happened to notice that the ground was a little mushy. I looked down (toward my sandal-wearing feet) and noticed that I am stepping in human poop! What? I questioned my husband, because he did the undressing; and we realized that the britches must have been fuller than we previous thought (although I don’t know how that is possible).

What’s a conscientious Mom to do? I’m not one to let feces just lie around where someone might step in it, but this was smushed beyond a pick up. So I and my poopy shoes got back in the car and headed for home, all the while hoping that unsuspecting passersby will just think it’s doggy doo from the PetSmart next door (sorry dog owners).

Bye Bye, Baby Bed

Bye Bye, Baby Bed


I go to bed in mourning. We broke down our only child’s baby bed this afternoon and made way for “big boy” bunk beds. I’m telling you, I had to fight back the tears. . . but our son does seem to like his new sleeping quarters. On the bright side of things it does make reading to him before bed a bit easier, but I’m not sure I’m completely ready to trade the rocking chair for a double bunk and a book.

Better than Sick Leave

I’m not suppose to get sick — I’m the mama. But since my husband brought home some funky germs and infected the whole family, I at least did my motherly duty to get sick during the weekend (the entire weekend) so that I could be back on the job bright and early (real early) Monday morning.

I used to think moms never got sick. I mean, how could they — they have families to run? I don’t remember my mom ever being sick when I was growing up, but maybe she just pushed through the pain because there wasn’t an alternative or perhaps she did have her aches, pains, sniffles and shivers, but only on the weekends when Dad could otherwise occupy us.

If I had been around when Mom was ill I’m sure I would have noticed, because even though I had to fulfill my motherly duties yesterday (and not much else) my two-year-old seemed to sense that I was not at the top of my game and made the proper adjustments. That, I will take — it might be better than sick leave.

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