Category: Life as I Know It

My everyday life as a woman, wife and mother.

A Long Time Ago in an Oklahoma Town

A Long Time Ago in an Oklahoma Town

StarWarsMoviePoster1977It’s an even day, and look, here’s my newest post for the September Sapphire Even Day Blog Challenge. Hopefully I’ll be able to hit my marks for the rest of the month. Today we have been asked to write about a book or movie that greatly affected us somehow during our lives.

So here goes. . . you are not allowed to laugh (okay, go ahead and giggle), but perhaps the movie that made the biggest impact on my life was Star Wars (yes, the original the very first time it showed in theaters). It was actually episode IV, but we didn’t know any of that at the time. The year was 1977, I would have been seven years old, and this was my first “grownup” film. My Dad took my sister and I to see the movie in a tiny little theater in Claremore, Okla., and I’m guessing that’s where my love of movies, science-fiction and Harrison Ford first began.

My Dad loved going to the movies and he passed that enjoyment along to his two daughters. Often times, he would splurge on a long-awaited film and take us to see the latest box office matinée. Even as a young adult, my Dad and I often found ourselves at the movies. I could always count on him to spend a hot summer afternoon in the cool seats of the local theater. He unexpectedly passed away several years ago, but to this day if I see a really great film I always think, ”I bet Dad would have enjoyed this one.”

I don’t know if seven is too young to develop a crush, but I hope not because I certainly had one. Forget Luke Skywalker, that Han Solo was just something to behold. To a scrawny little girl in the Midwest he was the definition of tall, dark and handsome, and he was my hero. (Imagine how thrilled I was when Raiders of the Lost Ark first hit the big screen — another of my Dad’s favorites also.)

So as I think about all the movies I’ve enjoyed, disliked or that moved me through my life, the original Star Wars of 1977 just sticks in my mind. I’m sure it’s more about remembering my Dad who first introduced me to a larger than life fantasy land in space, but perhaps it’s also about being able to escape from reality, develop a ludicrous crush or two and just enjoy a few hours of entertainment while eating buttery popcorn and sipping on a soda. Somehow at the movies, my own life is always grand.

For a trip down memory lane and to showcase the ”fabulous” special effects of 1977, I’ve included the original trailer of the film. Enjoy! :)

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Call me Commish. Yes, as in commissioner. . . commissioner of our new fantasy football league. My husband and I left our old league we had been in for several years in hopes of starting our own light-hearted yet competitive league of our own. Since I’m comfortable with the Real Time Sports league software (and the stay-at-home-mom), I volunteered to wear the commissioner hat and set up this silly little pastime we call fun.

So with ten teams in the league and my husband and I owning our own rosters for the first time ever,  we officially kicked off the football season with a live draft at our home yesterday afternoon. The food was good, but I hope my team is better. I got the number six draft slot and ended up with a decent roster, including a pair of Manning QBs. I just have to figure out how to fix that ninth week bye issue, but I’ll cross that bridge at a later date.

So with the NFL officially kicking off its regular season Thursday night, the answer is, ”Yes, I’m ready for some football.”

Being a 40-Something Dirty Girl

Being a 40-Something Dirty Girl

dirtygirllogoI finally put my money (and ego) on the line and registered for the Dirty Girl Mud Run taking place later this month. That means I’ll be there in all my muddy glory (maybe nobody will recognize me covered in gunk) running through a barren field, climbing over obstacles and trying to keep up with my two young nieces.

This means I have less than three weeks to get myself in some sort of shape just to finish this crazy race. My husband and I boxed on the Wii Sunday evening, and geemanee I’m paying the price. Really? One round of boxing and I can barely raise my arms? I guess I just shouldn’t plan on moving the day after this race.

The Dirty Girl is not a traditional 5k because it involves several obstacles throughout the course with names like H2OMG and PMS (Pretty Muddy Stuff). Still, this will officially be my first 5k and while I’m so not prepared I’m very much looking forward to it. So is my husband — he plans to get a few laughs as he cheers me toward the finish line.

There is a more serious note to every Dirty Girl Mud Run and that is the search for a cure to breast cancer. Proceeds and generous donations support breast cancer charity organizations in numerous communities across the nation; so if you would like to be a Dirty Girl, visit their website and join a run near you.

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