Category: Mama Moments

Those funny and heart-touching moments of being a mama.

Fresh Air is Good for the Grumps

Fresh Air is Good for the Grumps

fresh air

I’m always amazed at how quickly a little fresh air erases my child’s crummy moods. My little guy apparently swallowed a grump monster while he slept last night because, man, he was super sour from the moment his feet hit the floor. No wait, I believe he pouted at me the second I opened his door to check on his sweet little sleeping self (that might be a record). I mean it was awful. Nothing was as it should be, every answer was dripping with whine and the day was quickly getting way out of whack.

So imagine my surprise when my son asked to tend the chickens. I think he sensed his need for change as much as I did. I sent him out the door with chicken food and the promise I would catch up in a bit. By the time I pulled on my rubber boots and ventured outside, he was already flitting about with the hens and had a smile on his face. Chalk it up to another win for nature!

As an added bonus we also discovered a box turtle clearly on his way to somewhere, but he was kind enough to make a short stop while we said hello (even if he didn’t eat the carrot I chopped for him at the request of my little man). That was no matter because the fresh air and animal encounters were just enough to turn my boy’s frown upside down, and that is how I prefer to start our day.

Morning Revelations of My Son

Morning Revelations of My Son

I was in the shower when my little guy woke up this morning with exciting news. As I poked my head around the shower curtain to listen, this is what he had to say.

“Mama I want to tell you two things.
One, I had a big boogie sticking out of my nose and I picked it out of there.
And two, I was coughing and then I burped at the same time. It felt quite good.”

Ahhh, such is life with a little boy. . . I wouldn’t trade it.


To Make a Mama’s Heart Melt

Earlier this week I discovered that my iPhone would randomly make little memory movies using groups of photos stored on my device. Okay, so it was a news flash for me, but apparently no one else in this big ol’ world. When I realized my phone had completely taken over creative license of my life, I decided to send my husband a fun little video of his birthday celebration. Unfortunately the file size was too large to send, so I decided to create a You Tube page and upload it there for his viewing pleasure. What I didn’t realize was that apparently four years ago, I created a personal You Tube page for just this very purpose — I am so smart; I just forgot.

Much to my surprise, I found several short videos of our then two-year-old son doing just the cutest little things ever. I thought this discovery was so cool, but one video in particular absolutely made my heart melt. I have watched it over and over and think my chest might burst every single time I see it; and necessarily so,  I have accosted at least one of my friends each day, forcing them to eww and ahh at the cutest kid in the world.

So in an effort to save my friends from being force feed kid videos, I decided to post my memory here today and will just assume that each and every one of you will naturally take a look (you might want to grab a tissue). Oh, and by the way those are balloon shaped candles from my birthday cake he is holding. This guy has always loved a good birthday party!



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