Tag: life

Thanks a Latte Kind of Day

Thanks a Latte Kind of Day


I recently wanted to say a word of thanks to some ladies with whom I volunteer because they helped see me through a rather rough couple of months. Without their support, I might have just thrown in the towel and walked away from an awesome organization. So as a small token, I bought each of them a coffee gift certificate (just can’t go wrong with that one — if they don’t like coffee, they can order tea or just eat a muffin already). These just happened to be from Caribou Coffee, my favorite around these parts, and luckily they came with super cute kraft colored gift holders.

ThanksLatteI simply jazzed up the holders with belly bands around the middle and cute little “Thanks a Latte” medallions. To create the medallions, I used a 3″ scalloped circle punch and a 2.5″ round punch. I created the graphic on my computer, printed and punched. So super easy, but if you like what you see here, you can download the graphic and print it for your own use. I inked all my edges before assembling, added foam tape to the circles for dimension, and that was all it took.

I think the ladies loved them, and sometimes the smallest gestures really do mean a lot.

Skipping Sparks

Skipping Sparks


So I have to confess, I didn’t make it to Sparks this weekend. After all the summer vacationing, I was feeling a bit behind and decided to better use my time to finish a few projects (and have a little fun) before fall set in. So I pulled up my big girl britches, vowed to catch Sparks in the Spring and made some real headway around the house. Here’s just  some of what I accomplished:

  1. Purchase supplies for my son’s preschool classroom.
  2. Install an in-cabinet pullout for my pots and pans. (I’ll tell you all about this one in a later post.)
  3. Purchas a new light for the basement, which didn’t get installed because it came out of the package broken. (So back on the to-do list it goes.)
  4. Shop for a new car. (If you have any suggestions for an SUV with third-row seating, bring it on.)
  5. Watch the Royals lose to the White Sox on a hot and muggy summer’s night.
  6. Host our annual Fantasy Football Draft. My team is awesome, by the way.
  7. Finish watching the second season of “When Calls the Heart.” Talk about a smile that can make a girl melt. (Check out this witty and romantic Hallmark original on Netflix. It’s a great family show.)
  8. Buy, plant and relocate flowers. . . lots of flowers.
  9. Make a visit to urgent care to check the huge red welt on my arm from a spider that didn’t care much for my planting in and around his space.
  10. Dig up and relocate one of the moles that has completely destroyed our lawn. It came up squeaking with one of my relocated bushes and my husband promptly found it a new home with lots of open space to dig.

     BONUS:  Take some time to throw the football in the front yard with my husband and son.

Routines, Trains and “Naked Ladies”

Routines, Trains and “Naked Ladies”

Whew, the summer vacations are finally fini, and I’m home to stay for a while. After a week with my husband’s family in Hollister immediately followed by a week with my family in the Hollow, I’m actually happy to be home and ready to settle into a routine (at least for a few weeks). Preschool hasn’t started for my little guy, so we are spending some fair-weather days with MOMS Club® friends and wrapping up the summer around town. Today we spent the morning at Union Station watching the trains go by.


Of course, I did spend my first day back just catching up on e-mails and marking up the calendar. Thank goodness for the fridge — it holds the family happenings.  Unfortunately, my two-week vacay just happened to coincide with the “Naked Lady” show. I completely missed the inaugural blooming of the bulbs I dug up at my grandmother’s old homestead in Blue Jay Hollow. Here’s all that’s left. . .


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