Tag: Mama Moments

Going Down in Flames on Three

Going Down in Flames on Three


I almost got to three this weekend, as in “you better do as I say by the count of three, or else” kind of three; and momentarily, I panicked. A thousand and seven scenarios rushed through my head in just a few brief seconds as I realized I had no idea what the “else” should be for this particular offense.

You see, I’ve never actually made it to three, so I’ve never really fashioned any worthwhile punishments for any of his various acts of disobedience. In fact, for some reason just counting to the number one usually makes my little man jump to it and at worse, I’ve barely ever made it to two.

I’m not sure where or when he realized that counting translated to “mama means business,” but it has come in very handy, especially since I only pull it out as a last resort. I mean, it worked the very first time I tried it and it has worked every time since. . . but Friday evening, in front of the grandparents, I thought I was going down in flames (and it was going to be a spectator sport). Fortunately for me, I was able to pull my chute just in time to realize that he didn’t really understand my request and he was trying to comply, even if it was in a somewhat four-year-old defiant manner.

By slowing down for a quick conversation, we somehow came to a mutual understanding and were both able to float to the ground safely (and with pride intact). . . Of course I’ll need to repack my chute with a little more preparation for future number threes.

photo credit: The Dive via photopin (license)

Family Traditions — A Mom’s Responsibility?

Family Traditions — A Mom’s Responsibility?

When I recall my own family traditions from childhood,  I’m instantly flooded with wonderful memories and good feelings previously pushed into the past. It’s these moments of reflection that motivate me to create current traditions for my own family. Ultimately, I want to give my son similar memories of wonder and innocence; but, God willing, when I’m 80 I also want to be able to conjure up the memories and good feelings of my own motherhood. So here is my question. Are the best traditions the ones that “just happen,” or are more deliberate plans the way to go? Sometimes I feel like my best laid plans seriously fall flat, but at other times those spontaneous family moments are the things that really stick.

This holiday season, my son, husband and I created a ginger bread train (anything train is a winner right now) that adorned the kitchen table. We had fun creating it and it was a lot less infuriating than I first expected it to be, but who knew the real joy would be destroying it.

eattrain2On New Year’s Eve at dinner, my son asked if he could eat the train. This sounded like a gross request to me (I don’t like ginger bread trains, no matter how many weeks old they happen to be), but I told him to go ahead and get a taste because it was “going away” in the morning. To my surprise, both my husband and son immediately indulged in the little choo-choo. . . and claimed it to be tasty. I laughed out loud and snapped photos of faces full of the candy laced cookies.

The whole thing was great fun and I announced this moment as the beginning of a new family tradition — the eating of the ginger bread on New Year’s Eve. Of course this means we have to first make the ginger bread every year. Wow, two new traditions at once, but I quickly had to wonder if they would withstand the years. Do I need to be the one to push the event on my family every Christmas or is it okay to skip it every now and then? I mean, seriously, what’s a good mom to do? What did my own mom do? What do most moms do? Do you deliberately create and maintain family traditions or do they just seem to happen?

The Christmas Octopus

The Christmas Octopus


I get it now. . . I get the overnighted skates from Canada, I get the paying twice the price, I get the waiting in line for hours. I even get the calling to every store in town, skipping the pleasantries and going straight to, “I need an octopus for Christmas.” Yes, an octopus (preferably orange with blue spots). When your four-year-old son believes with all his might that Santa is bringing him a certain gift, a Mom will do everything she can to deliver on that dream.

My husband and I searched the stores, searched online and finally just picked up the phone and dialed. I ultimately located several octopuses, octopi, or whatever you call a group of such things at the aquarium gift shop downtown. But here was the catch — mid-afternoon, Christmas eve eve and Crown Center Plaza. Do not go there on this day. I battled the traffic but when I arrived the parking garage was full, so I parked way up the street and walked northward in the cold howling wind. (Of course by the time I made my way back to the garage entrance, it had opened once again. Grrr)

It wasn’t the best of circumstances and any other day I might have thrown in the towel, but on this day I was a “Momma on a Mission” and little else mattered. I beamed with pride as I battled the throngs of people and nature’s yucky attitude (or the yucky attitudes of the throngs of people), just to locate my son’s only wish. I understood it, I loved it and I was, for just a moment, Wonder Mom.

I just can’t wait to see the look on our son’s face, if only for a few seconds, when he believes that Santa heard his request and delivered the goods. At that moment I’ll swear, wearing my Wonder Mom cape and all, it was certainly worth the journey. Just don’t ask me to do it again. . . until next year.

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