Tag: knock-out roses

My Knock Out Roses Were Almost KO’d

My Knock Out Roses Were Almost KO’d

Knock Out roses

My Knock Out® roses have had quite the journey here at The Three-Acre Wood, but this spring as I watched and waited for signs of life from my three beauties by the curb I quickly realized that my girls were hurting. I’m not sure if it was last year’s Japanese Beetle infestation, the unusually long, cold winter or a combination of both, but I was afraid my rose bushes were gone for good.

After a long wait, I started to see signs of life as a few little green leaves appeared, mainly from the deepest parts of the plants. I did a bit of research on the best way to care for these ailing gals and decided to heavily prune them to about 18″ from the ground. Ugh, this was so disheartening (and thorny)!

knock out roses

I’m happy to say that all three of the Knock Out roses are gaining some momentum this spring, but they aren’t real attractive at this point. Several branches have green leaves growing, they are gaining a bit of height and a single small rose actually bloomed this morning!

Knock Out roses

I’m hoping that if I baby them through the summer, they will reward me with their usual splash of color come this fall or next spring.

knock out roses

Our Roses Knocked Out Fall

Our Roses Knocked Out Fall

Knock-Out Roses

Thanksgiving is a week away and my Knock-Out Roses are still doing their thing curbside in Kansas City. We and they have been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather this fall, but since tomorrow’s high will plummet into the 40s, I decided to enjoy my flowers while I could. I also cut several stems for inside so I can enjoy them a wee bit longer.

Knock-Out Roses

Apparently these brightly colored beauties are the one plant I can actually grow well. I get more compliments and jealous comments about my Knock-Outs than any other thing I’ve ever planted. The same held true for the rose bushes at our last house. I don’t do anything special, except plant in seriously full sun and keep mulch around the base. Other than a few good drinks in the middle of summer and a pruning each year (the deer help me out with that at this house), that’s about all the care I give these girls.

Knock-Out Roses

The fun thing about these roses is that my husband and I had to first clean out a bunch of yucca’s standing their ground in order to plant these bushes. I documented that struggle at Get the Yucca Out of My Yard and received great advice and commiserating at Hometalk.com. I’m proud to say that we did seem to be the victors (fingers crossed) and have been rewarded with a big gorgeous display of rosiness.
