Tag: weight watchers

Tasty (and WW-Friendly) Chicken Tortilla Soup

Tasty (and WW-Friendly) Chicken Tortilla Soup

Sometimes I just get a craving for something specific, and last week it just happened to be chicken tortilla soup. I suggested that the fam run to a local restaurant to satisfy my hunger, but after some research and facing a huge ding to my daily WW points I decided to go with the healthier homemade option instead.

Chapter 7: My Waistline Affects My Wallet

Chapter 7: My Waistline Affects My Wallet

I cleared another hurdle in my Weight Watchers journey this week and it’s a biggie, because this is where my waistline affects my wallet. After six weeks of staying on goal, I finally achieved “Lifetime” status, which means I no longer have to pay for all the benefits of the Weight Watchers program. Yes, you read that right! I can attend weekly meetings and access the awesome phone app for the rest of my life at zero cost to me!

Chapter 6: Gooooooooooooal!

It took almost seven full months, but I finally reached my Weight Watchers official goal weight! Yay! Sure, I wished it had been a shorter journey; but let me tell you, summer has been a little tougher than I first imagined. With multiple vacations, VBS preparations and a general summertime mentality I have found it much more difficult to meal plan, eat right and stay the course. There has been a lot of ups and downs on the scale, but I think my secret weapon was perseverance. Even when I fell off the wagon food truck, I picked up my sad little self, wiped off the road rash, jumped back on the Freestyle plan and went scurrying back to my awesome Tuesday night support group.

Speaking of support, I have oodles of it and I believe this has made a huge difference in my weight loss journey. My husband has been one of my biggest cheerleaders since the day I joined and my mom loves (or at least she acts like it) to get my Tuesday night post-meeting phones calls with my latest stats. My sister even joined Weight Watchers a few months ago, and we exchange new WW friendly foods, recipes and struggles.

Other than my immediate family, I have one tremendous support system that is a big part of the Weight Watchers philosophy– the friendly folks at my weekly meeting and weigh-in. I usually see several familiar faces at my Tuesday night meetings and our leader has been awesome. There is no shortage of support, useful tips, food exchange ideas and camaraderie at these events. If you are absent, they will notice. If you are discouraged, they will listen. If you hit a milestone, they will celebrate. You, and I, are not alone!

So yes, I reached a huge milestone this week and guess what, one of the familiar faces at my Tuesday meeting asked to film my weigh-in because she knew I was getting close to my goal.  I am so glad she hit the record button, because this was a big moment and now I can relive this exciting experience from the other side of the scale. Of course if I had known, I would have added some makeup and dressed differently, but this works too. *grin*

So after seven months, reaching my goal and feeling good, here is my thought on the Weight Watchers Freestyle program:  If you use it, you will lose it.

JANUARY 2018 :  -8.6
FEBRUARY 2018: -5.8
MARCH 2018: -6.0
APRIL 2018: -2.6
MAY 2018: -4.6
JUNE 2018: -2
JULY 2018: -4.4

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