Tag: Saturday Sparks

Saturday Sparks — The Stockings Were Hung

Saturday Sparks — The Stockings Were Hung

Christmas is just around the corner and if you’re like me, you are in the process of gathering fun little stocking stuffers for the family that will, in turn, probably never fit into those festive little socks hanging from the mantel. Every year, I have great intentions of completely redoing our gathering of stockings with new handmade versions, but my son is now three and I’m still trying to find the time to sew him a stocking of just the right size, style and color combination. Maybe if I start the day after Christmas this year, I’ll get it done before the 2014 holiday season. In the meantime, here are a few inspiring ideas if you find yourself in the same predicament as I. . .


Saturday Sparks:  Trunk or Treat Decorating Ideas

Saturday Sparks: Trunk or Treat Decorating Ideas

There’s a fun little Halloween trend here in the Midwest called Trunk or Treat. I don’t know if it’s popular all over the nation, but it’s a fun family alternative to traveling house-to-house on a cold, dark October night.

Trunk or Treat is usually sponsored by local churches, but some businesses and organizations have adopted the event and Trunk or Treats can be found in parking lots all over town. It’s a simple concept where people use their automobiles as the venue for handing out candy to local children. Each trunk (or car, trailer, truck bed etc.) is decorated with a theme, and folks pass out candy to the costumed kiddos as they ”trick or treat” at each vehicle.

If you’ll be treating your trunk to some fine decorating as part of one of these events this year, today’s Spark is just for you. Some churches request Biblical themes for each vehicle, which is a lot of fun, but if the sky’s the limit here are a few ideas for a fun Halloween.



Saturday Sparks – White is the New Orange

Saturday Sparks – White is the New Orange

When I think of Halloween I naturally go to orange and black in my head, but why not mix it up a bit and swap out your in-your-face oranges with some nice cool whites. Your decorations will immediately feel more sophisticated and fresh, but you will still get a festive look for your entire house. You might even find it easier to transition right into your autumn Thanksgiving decor with minimal effort.

So go ahead, give white a try and class up your spooky spots for this haunted holiday.


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