Tag: healty lifestyle

Chapter 3: Still Winning by Losing with Weight Watchers

Chapter 3: Still Winning by Losing with Weight Watchers

Today is another Weight Watchers weigh-in night, which reminds me that I am completely behind on my updates. With all the crashing and redesigning going on here at Small Talk Mama, my February WW post got lost in the chaos.

So to bring everyone up to speed (other than my mother who gets a call from me the very minute my meeting is over;  I’m glad she’s proud), I’m still losing weight on the Smart Points program and I’m still not starving. I do, however, need to buy a new pair of jeans and a new bra — I’m sagging and gaping in all the wrong places (it’s the pants that are sagging, by the way).

weight watchers

I hit another milestone in February with ten pounds lost and I received another charm to mark my achievement! That put me safely under the 160 mark, but then I experienced an almost two-week hiatus of weight loss. I mean I saw exactly the same number on the scale for almost fourteen days. Yikes! For several days I was completely bummed! Although I had been told this was a normal event that most people experienced, I really started to believe that my forty-something physique was stuck in place and I would never see a slim me again. I had more than a few moments where I wanted to throw in the towel. . . but I just kept tracking my points and following the plan. A few days later, my body adjusted (or whatever it does) and I began shedding pounds again.  Yay!

I’m still winning with Weight Watchers and March is looking to be another good month for me, but before I get ahead of myself here are my updated stats:

JANUARY 2018 :  -8.6
FEBRUARY 2018: -5.8