In the spirit of the season (the one I think it is), I have once again been knitting pumpkins on my round looms. Instead of the usual orange, I decided to dip into my yarn stash in search of a fun take on a super cute classic.
Tag: fall

From My Fall Porch
Well Halloween is finally here, so I thought it was about time I shared a glimpse of this year’s fall porch decor. It has been such an odd fall with its share of up and down temps (and an early snow fall), which has kept me jumping to save my plants from freezing. We carved up our jack o’ lantern last night and added it to the mix, so I hope we have at least a few trick or treaters visit our cozy home.

Campfire and S’mores — Family Favorites
Making s’mores in the backyard is one of our favorite family activities each fall, because there’s just something about a bonfire and melted marshmallows that makes autumn feel all official.
We finally picked a new campfire spot out on our three acres, not too far from the house but not to close either. I wanted it to be somewhat secluded but still convenient for hauling out all the fixin’s. I also have this very healthy respect for fire (thanks to Smokey the Bear), and I need to make sure (my husband makes sure) every ember is doused before I can sleep at night.
Sometimes it’s not super convenient to start a fire and collect all the ingredients for s’mores and there is always something else less fun that needs to be done, but every time we push to make a campfire happen we are totally rewarded with a bit of relaxing family time around a roaring fire and bellies full of sweet goodness. It really must be one of my favorite things on this earth.
Of course, one doesn’t need three acres to create a great family outing. We used to build a fire and roast marshmallows in the backyard of our half-acre lot. Some parks also have fire pit areas for day use that make for a great adventure. Heck, you can even whip up some s’mores over the charcoal grill on your back deck. If you live in town, it’s also wise to check city ordinances before lighting up.
Okay, so now that I’ve just encouraged you to go play with fire, here’s my safety disclaimer. Please use all proper safety precautions before, during and after lighting a fire, Adult supervision (some husband’s probably don’t qualify 🙂 ) is required.
Happy (quickly fading) fall, y’all!